Saturday, 7 April 2018

School Librarian Coomunities

In many countries, the leaders of education think that important to operate libraries. School librarians have a special situation  in a school because they are connected with all  students and teachers, but most often they are alone as  librarian teacher in the institution. It is why important are the professional organizations, forums to develop and  to support each other's work, to present principles and ideas.

So let's see some good organization, site, forums or blogs: 

"The mission of the Association is to provide an international forum for people interested in promoting effective school library programs as viable instruments in the educational process. IASL also provides guidance and advice for the development of school library programs and the school library profession. IASL works in cooperation with other professional associations and agencies."

"The School Library Association is committed to supporting everyone involved with school libraries, promoting high quality reading and learning opportunities for all."

"Librarians without borders: For those of us who connect, teach, share, and lead in new information landscapes."

"The Best Library blogs from thousands of top Library blogs in our index using search and social metrics. Data will be refreshed once a week" 

Monday, 18 July 2016

Humor of the Library

How to behave in the Library?

But not everybody and everything is too serious in the Library.
Enjoy the humor of Library and Librarians too:

Art of the books

Are you listen about that you can  not only read the books but its can be sculptures?
Enjoy the album and find more sources ...

Find informations

How can you find the relevant sources, the relevant information for you? 

Did you feel yourself lonely in the library?  I understand you because when I was young nobody tell me how can I find the books or how can I find the informations in the books. So I would like if you are a brave explorer and not a little dwarf. 

The content

Types of Documents

Some words about  partners on our trips ...

Do you like travel alone or together with your friends?

I prefer travel with friends. And if you are in the Library you have a lot of friends.  As the people are different the books are also different type. One friends can help you in craft and the other can help you if you have any mental problems.  So the books are your very-very good friends and you can find everytime one of them who will be able to help you.

Let's see the groups of your friends!


Let's go to play!

Fiction or nonfiction
Library reference sources
Using reference sources 

History of the Libraries

Was always  Library? 

Do you think that in the prehistoric times  could go to a Library?  No, no! At that time wasn't Library and wasn't  writing.  HAHA! 

"The history of libraries began with the first efforts to organize collections of documents. Topics of interest include accessibility of the collection, acquisition of materials, arrangement and finding tools, the book trade, the influence of the physical properties of the different writing materials, language distribution, role in education, rates of literacy, budgets, staffing, libraries for specially targeted audiences, architectural merit, patterns of usage, and the role of libraries in a nation's cultural heritage, and the role of government, church or private sponsorship. Since the 1960s issues of computerization and digitization come to the fore.
Library history is the academic discipline devoted to the study of the history of libraries; it is a subfield of library science and historiography."

And one more funny video

Who is the writer of the original novel? 


What do you think about those people who take away something from other people? 

Do you think they are thieves?  Yes they are.

I tell you a personal story:

Few years ago I write a small book about the Musas of  Hungarian Poetries.  The editor edited and printed it, but I haven't any informations from my work. Sometimes I saw it in the bookstore without my name. Do you think what I felt?
Yes I felt they are thieves.

Another time I surfed on the Internet and foud a blog with my texts from my book. The blogger wrote is as her text. I was so angry, because she don't use any citation and wrote to the blog support. They disabeled her. Do you think what I felt?
Yes I felt she are thief.
So very-very important to respect an comply the rights of the writers.

What is copyright?

Copyright is the legal term, which describes the rights given to authors/creators of certain categories of work. Copyright protection extends to the following works:
  • original literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works,
  • sound recordings, films,
  • broadcasts, cable programmes,
  • the typographical arrangement of published editions,
  • computer programmes,
  • original databases.
The owner of copyright is the author, meaning the person who creates the work. For example a photographer is the owner in the case of a photograph. However, as copyright is a form of property, the right may be transferred to someone else, for example, to a publisher. Where an employee in the course of employment creates the work, the employer is the owner of the copyright in the work, unless an agreement to the contrary exists.
Copyright is a property right and the owner of the work can control the use of the work, subject to certain exceptions. The owner has the exclusive right to prohibit or authorise others to undertake the following:
  • copy the work
  • perform the work
  • make the work available to the public through broadcasting or recordings
  • make an adaptation of the work.
Copyright takes effect as soon as the work is put on paper, film, or other fixed medium such as CD-ROM, DVD, Internet, etc. No protection is provided for ideas while the ideas are in a persons mind; copyright law protects the form of expression of ideas, not the ideas themselves."

The source of these text is here:
So now I kept the right of copy.

Everytime, everywhere you need to use the citation and give the name of author, the address of the documents, the place of editing, the year of editing and the name of editor.  If you use the documents from the Internet give the URL address too.

Don't be the thief!